Youth Ministry
Middle and High School students have a lot of questions about their identity, belonging, and purpose. Our Youth Ministry seeks to answer those questions by sharing the good news of the gospel.
Our Youth Ministry exists to fulfill the vision of Valley Presbyterian Church by partnering with parents to make disciples of our students.

Sunday School
Our Sunday School classes meet every Sunday morning from 9:30-10:30am in the Youth Building. We have three groups that are focused on gospel-centered teaching: 6th-8th, 9th-10th, and 11th-12th.
6th-8th- Treasuring God's Word + Old Testament Survey
9th-10th- Growing in Christ's Church + New Testament Survey
11th-12th- Doctrines of Grace + Apologetics + Missions
We don't spend time studying Scripture so that we know more about the Bible — that’s knowledge that “puffs up” (1 Corinthians 8:1). Instead, we study Scripture so that we can store the Word in our hearts to know God more and live more effectively for Him (Psalm 119:11). [To be rooted in God's Word & released for His mission]
Treehouse (6th-12th grade) is our weekly youth worship service that is designed to help students connect with adult leaders, to have fun, and to grow in gospel-centered community.
Treehouse is a safe place for students to ask difficult questions, to explore Christianity, and to grow in their understanding of who Jesus is and what it means to follow Him in community with others. We meet most Sunday evenings from 6:00-8:00pm in the Youth Building. For an up-to-date calendar, check out our website or church center app.
Schedule for Treehouse
Gather (10 min). 10 minutes prior to Youth Group beginning, students gather to play games and hang out with their peers and leaders.
Welcome (10 min). At 6:00pm students are welcomed to Treehouse. We love to start with an ice-breaker!
Large Group (25 min). Our Large Group begins with songs and worship. Following our time of singing, all students and leaders will hear a lesson that is Christ-centered and applicable. The Large Group lesson is delivered in a sermon/preaching style and students are provided sermon notes to help them follow along.
Prayer Groups (25 min). After Large Group, students are dismissed to their Prayer Groups (based on age and gender) in order to spend some time digesting and talking through questions related to that week's text.
Games (30 min). We play fun team-building games in order to have fun and build community.
Snack (30 min). We not only share the gospel together, but we share our lives as well (1 These 2:8) and, we believe there is no greater environment to share life together than by eating together. We end the night with fellowship by eating a snack, connecting with old friends, and perhaps, making new ones.
Grounded Retreat (Nov.) The Grounded Retreat is an opportunity for our students to dig deeper into theology. This is a fun, content-rich retreat, where we will cover much of the same information from Valley 101. Our prayer is that our students will learn what it means to be grounded in the love of Christ. (Eph. 3:17)
Roots Retreat (Jan.) The Roots Retreat is an opportunity for our church to join other churches in our presbytery for a weekend of worship and fun! Our guest speaker is typically an RUF campus minister, and our lip-sync competition has earned legendary status.
Ocoee Retreat (July) Our annual Ocoee Retreat is an opportunity to deepen friendships, dig into God's Word, and enjoy God's beautiful creation. There are two tracts- tubing the Lower River (Middle School) and white water rafting the Upper/Middle River (High School).
Summer Camps (June/July) We have two summer camps. Our middle school students travel to Covenant College for GENERATE, and our high school students travel to Laguna Beach for RYM.
Adventure Nights
Adventure Nights are our quarterly special events in order for our students to have fun, build community, and invite their un-churched friends to get a taste of what it's like to be a part of a gospel-centered community. Our youth call it fun with a purpose!
VBS After Hours (June) In order to encourage our youth to serve at Vacation Bible School, we have VBS After Hours. Each night after VBS, the youth volunteers have the opportunity for some more fun and fellowship! (We've gone to Huntsville Escape Rooms, Laser Tag, Bowling, Ninja Obstacle Academy and Top Golf; just to name a few.)
Valley's Youth Group has impacted me so much! It has provided me with firm and steady community. No matter what happens, I know I can count on the other students in the Youth Group
Anne Madison
My friends in the Youth Group are the kind of people that you can laugh with one minute, and have a deep theological discussion with the next. They have meant more to me than I ever could have imagined.
The Youth Group is like a family— its a community that helps me grow in my faith. Retreats are always one of the highlights of my year! I’m so thankful for the love and support from my friends and leaders in the Youth Group.
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